A representative of our
company made a legal
contact with an international
advisor in banking and
finance in London, which
helps in obtaining loans for
good economic projects:
the new ones and
existing in Poland,
Central and Eastern
Loans are granted on the following conditions:
# minimum financing amount: € 5,000,000 (read more: Sample )
# variable annual percentage rate: 6.25%,
# maximum period of financing: 10 years,
# maximum grace period: 2 years,
# maximum time of repayment of principal: last year crediting,
# security for a financing: other people's assets (read more: Asset-
based lending),
# commissions and fees: up to 10% of value loan,
# Customer's own share in the financing by an Escrow payment: up to
2% of value loan.
The main advantage of this form of financing is no requirement to guarantee the loan on the property of the Customer. This is done by using the above-quoted financial engineering invented by Americans. Not only one entity takes part in it, as in the case of traditional lending by local banks, but a few, in the field of consulting, finance, insurance and banking.
We look forward to receiving an Executive Summary of Project so we can review the potential transaction and that all we need is a “summary” at this stage that shows that the Project is profitable.
It has to be presented, how the investments will change a major economic factors of the company. Mainly in net profitability and cash-flow. Cash-flow has to be designed for whole financing period on yearly basis, to get a reliable final outcome.
Then we will receive a pattern of Application Form, which together with the Application Letter must be completed in English and return to us in order to verify the correctness of drawing up the proposal. As a result , the names of all entities involved in the process, will be disclosed. This service is free of charge!
The consequence of the correctly completed application and a good project may be a proposal for its funding, addressed directly to the Customer in the Expression of Interest form. This letter will be contained all the conditions to grant the loan.
The procedure for obtaining a loan takes up to 6 months.
In case, the Customer wishes to us recommending the project, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with us for consultancy services. Then we will relieve the Customer and make a loan application based on an interview with the Customer, the documents and a business plan submitted by him, as well as consulting activities from our side.
However, in each case the Customer’ s project will undergo a final and independent verification of the audit on behalf of the creditor institutions, called Due Dilligence on Site.
Therefore, it is not possible that in any range, we could guarantee for a successful loan application. Our role is only to preserve confidentiality and take care of the correctness of the Customer contact with with the lender and the associated institutions.
Looking forward
to cooperate with you!

Piotr Drożniakiewicz © 2008-2011
Unsecured loan
on the property of the Customer
"Security Pledge Financing"